A Brief History

India is a vast country with differing cultures, languages and religions. With a population pushing 1.2 billion people, the need for evangelism and church planting is very great. This need is especially pressing in North India.

Brethren Theological College was born out of a burden to equip the next generation of believers in India for the work of the Lord among the local population. With this view in mind, several brothers from Kallissery met in early 2011 and prayerfully undertook the task of starting a Bible School.

The Brethren Theological College (BTC) was inaugurated on August 7, 2013 by Evg. M. M. Zacariah, Kottayam. The Bible College is registered as a non-profit Charitable Trust in India and is headed by Prof. Jacob Thomas (President). There are eight members in the Board of Trustees, in addition to our two patrons - Evangelist Philip Abraham & brother John Chacko. Our students hail from different States in the country - Madhya Pradesh, Odisha (Orissa), Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

...The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest. (Luke 10:2)


Board of Trustees

  • P. S. Philip
  • Evg. Philip Abraham (Patron)
  • Prof. Jacob Thomas (President)
  • K. Thomas Baby (Treasurer)
  • A. C. Thomas (Secretary)
  • P. S. Ninan
  • Samuel T. Philip
  • Jaison Mammen (Jt. Secretary)
  • Ninan Varghese
  • John M. Chacko (Vice President)